Medical Technology – fastest growing technical field, by patent applications
According to the data released in the WIPO Patent Report, 2007 Edition,
The three fastest growing technical fields from 2000 to 2004 were medical technology (+32.2%), Audio-visual technology (+28.3%) and information technology (+27.7%).
This is based on the number of patent applications filed from 2000 to 2004. The figures for the corresponding years are –
2000 – 55,813
2001 – 59,415
2002 – 61,569
2003 – 72,229
2004 – 73,789
In addition, the report also states that the major portion of this activity is concentrated in the United States; and also goes on to mention how the patent offices are being overburdened due to this great surge in activity.
In such a hectic field of activity, it is of paramount importance that applicants have proper knowledge and/ or guidance about the various intricate rules and regulations concerning patents so that their work can proceed smoothly without any hitches caused because of inadvertent mistakes. As the activity surges, the need for taking professional help in this regard increases too.